FWc Wiki


The No Pony Order is a faction of FWc created by Fark.com member Supercampion. The faction is one of the only heel stables in the FWc and was founded on July 9th, 2013. The NPO was created to go against the rampant ponies who roam the threads of the wrestling forums. To become a member of the NPO all that is need is a pledge to the organization, a dislike for pony loving cloppers and all of your credit card information.

The declaration of independence from pony tyranny started with these words by Supercampion: I am done with this pony crap. There hasn't been a heel stable capable of stopping this menace so you have forced my hand. My goal, from this day forward, is to take back the fWc from all of you pony pansies and eliminate the equine threat once and for all. You have been warned pony clan, you're either with me or your against me.


  • Supercampion (Founder of NPO, current President and Gay Marriage Hardcore Champion)
  • My Lip Balm Addiction (Second in Command and original member of NPO, record keeper and nicknamer, 2x Gredunza Champion)
  • Karate Explosion (Original Member)
  • Hospitaller (Formerly Dellsworth1007) (Original Member)
  • MagSeven (Original Member, 1x Gredunza Champion)
  • Wellbred Hillbilly (Original Member)
  • Moody Bastard (Original Member, 1x Gredunza Champion)
  • Machoprogrammer (3x Gredunza Champion, Government Shutdown Hardcore Champion)
  • FinFangFark (4x Gredunza Champion)
  • Fish_Fight!
  • Irishman4 (2x Gredunza Champion)
  • hachimaki2234 (2x Gredunza Champion)

As of August 17, 2013, NPO members have held the Gredunza Championship a total of 23 times! The NPO comes together with great credentials and is proving to be a faction to contend with!

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The official NPO badge for members.

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The weekly "eating of the ponies" is a FWC tradition.
